Entry Status............click here
Ride Times..............click here (Sunday XC Jump Order is 1*, 3*, Adv, 2*. Times will be posted outside the Show Office 5:00PM Saturday, April 9)
Order of Go: Jumping - Sunday
Order of Go: XC - Sunday
Opening date: February 23
Closing Date: March 22
Opening date: February 23
Closing Date: March 22
Private ATV's scooters and bicycles not allowed on cross-country, but are highly recommended for transportation on the grounds. Vehicular traffic restricted to stable enclosure 7 AM Wednesday through 6 PM Sunday. PLEASE, ANY COMPETITORS VEHICLES, ATV'S OR BIKES PARK ONLY IN DESIGNATED PARKING AREA WHICH WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED. Shuttle buses provided. Golf Carts may be rented from: Carolina Carriage, (910) 295-0574 or Carolina Golf Cars, (704) 392-2211. All carts have four seats and must be reserved in advanced. Limited availability; must book early.
