The sport of Eventing is made possible by our volunteers. Without the dedication of our volunteers The Fork Horse Trials would not exist. We sincerely appreciate your hard work and long hours during this Event. For those of you that have been part of the “Fork Family’ in the past, we look forward to seeing you again this year, for those that would like to sign up for this year’s Event, we welcome you with open arms. Please let our spectators and riders know how happy we are to host this Event here at The Fork, nothing makes a more lasting impression than a warm, happy smile. Bring one with you and enjoy sharing it.
Volunteer Guidelines: Clothing: Khakis or jeans (pants or shorts) Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat or visor and/or waterproof jacket. Comfortable shoes are a must. A volunteer vest will be provided at check in. Layer clothing, this time of year the temperature can change drastically from morning to afternoon. Bring snacks, lunch and drinks will be provided and plan to leave your purse locked in your trunk. Upon arrival please report directly to the Volunteer Check-In area. You will receive a packet prior to the Event with detailed instructions and a parking pass.
Vendor Application
Volunteer Job Descriptions
Volunteer Application
Liability Disclaimer
Volunteer Coordinator: Laura Harper
Vendor Contact: Amy Carpenter |
